Final Result

Division A:
1,Achal Shah, Martin Plouhinec, Dylan Paiva, Varun Thakur
2,Mark, Zhangjian, Hongjian, Michelle
3,Xinde, Sheldon, James, Edwin

Division. B:
1, Xiangjun, Henry, Michael, Eric
2,Norman Zhang, Jack Zhang, Tim Zhu, William Dai
3,Dong Zhang, Jason Wang, Tyler Lin, Suraj Pootlarav

Division. C:
1,Yushan Hu, Quanhao Li, Sutong Zhang, Miles Easton
2,Mike Yuan, Rick, Edward, Marco
3,Mark Ma, Eugene Cai, Grace Zhang, Albert Lai


West Golden Tournament Rules & Format


In April 2024, we will be hosting a special event — West Golden Tournament. Drawing inspiration from some rules of American leagues, this tournament includes the Golden Relay Game.

Event Details:

Date: April 21st, Sunday, 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Doors open at 8:00 AM for warm-up)

Venue: Harmony TTC. 5570 Kennedy Rd, Mississauga

Registration Fee: $80/team

Registration Deadline: April 18th

Registration Guidelines:

The tournament will be divided into 3 categories: A, B, C, with 4-8 teams in each category. Teams will be grouped based on the average ratings of their players (reference OWTTA or TTCAN). Grouping rating is as follows: A > 900, 900 > B > 450, 450 > C > 100.  OWTTA reserves the right to adjust groupings based on the skill level and number of registered teams to ensure fair competition and guarantee each team plays at least 3 rounds, providing an enjoyable experience for all participants.


Group A: $120/$100/$80

Group B: $80/$60/$40

Group C: $60/$50/$40

West Golden Tournament Format

Each team consists of 4 players.

Match Order: Singles 1 (3 games), Singles 2 (3 games), Doubles (3 games), Golden Relay Game (1 game – 21 points).

Singles and Doubles: Captains submit the players for singles and double before the first Single starts.  players cannot participate more than one match. The matches are not based on a best-of-three sets format. Instead, each match must be played for three full games. Winning one game earns one point, totaling 9 points overall. Each game follows an 11-point scoring system with no deuce. Each team has 1 minute suspension right per match.

Golden Relay Game Overview:

                   It is a team relay event where all four players from each team participate.

Player Order:

                 Under the supervision of the referee, team captains take turns submitting their lineup. The first player from the trailing team (e.g., Team B) submits their player (B1) first, and then Team A’s captain decides their player (A1) based on B1. The second set of players is submitted by Team A first(A2), followed by Team B (B2), and so on. Overall, the order of submission is B1, A1, A2, B2, B3, A3, A4, B4. Both teams have the opportunity to decide their lineup based on the opponents’ choices.

Golden Relay Game Setup:

                 The game starts from 0:0, and players switch every 4 points (e.g., 3:1), rotating players until one team reaches 21 points and wins.

                 The trailing team serves first, and there is no change of ends during the game.

                 The winning team in the Golden Relay Game earns 4 points.

Winner:  Points from the preceding 3 matches + points from the Golden Relay Game = overall points. The team with higher points wins.

Simplified Match Process as follows:




Singles 1

3 games, each worth one point


Singles 2

3 games, each worth one point



3 games, each worth one point


Golden Game

All four players play and alternate every 4 points until one team scores 21.


Total Points per Match


We hope that everyone Love Table Tennis, Play Table Tennis, and Enjoy the Table Tennis sport.

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前面3场比赛得分+黄金局得分 = 总分,总分高为胜方。





Singles 1

3 games, each worth one point


Singles 2

3 games, each worth one point



3 games, each worth one point


Golden Game

All four players play and alternate every 4 points until one team scores 21.


Total Points per Match